Vkaoch’s blog includes the inclusive design of learning design for Technology-Mediated environments. In the first question, facing different groups of learners, provide course content in different ways, including audio, video, and books, to ensure the diversity of material resources. This is important because a variety of resources can ensure the flexibility of the curriculum and the adaptability of learners with different learning differences. But I think on this basis, teachers should provide specific help in the form of “scaffolding” so students can learn efficiently. The second question reminds me of the barriers to my topic. When the learning group I face includes English learners and students with hearing impairment, subtitles in the video and voice text provided are necessary. I have new ideas about the barrier that teachers will lead students on a walk through the local forest area. Teachers can try to use google maps to show the real scene of local forests or prepare VR glasses for each student to have a short close-up experience.