I found the barriers to student success from our planned learning activities from Blueprint. At the initial stage of exploring materials, learners are required to analyze the usage and characteristics of each material. However, there is a concept that “Fair isn’t always equal”. Because the topic of drawing to some extent includes diverse groups, many people have different foundations for drawing. For example, learners who have some basic knowledge of drawing will be more accessible in the process of material exploration, and they know how to correctly explore each material, such as lines, textures, and form deep to shallow. But zero-based learners may cause barriers of over effort and separation. So my way to solve the first barrier is to establish a “scaffolding”. I drew a picture of how to explore materials with the specified materials and showed the correct way to explore materials in four ways in PPT. I also draw pictures and share additional resources as examples in other planned learning activities. I try to demonstrate how to solve problems and share resources to enlighten learners and improve the flexibility of the course. Shared resources include visual and auditory materials as support. In this way, learners’ barriers to success can be reduced in the planned learning activity.
Another barrier is how learners can show what they have learned. When the preliminary design of the blueprint is completed, there are only display paintings from Unit1 and Unit2 and self-reflection about the assessment plan. However, this method can not fully understand the mastery of learners’ learning content. So I added an informal quiz and questions in self-reflection. The questions in the informal test aim to know whether the learners have mastered the basic knowledge. For example, through material exploration, please rank 6B, 2H, 4B, HB, 2B, and 4H from deep to shallow, and in a sketch, when a beam of light shines on an object, what three parts do we need to pay attention to? In the reflection part, I help learners complete self-reflection in the form of guidance and questions. For example, in your opinion, what is your strongest drawing? Why? What is your weakest drawing? Why? And describe your approach to drawing (this may be different for different drawings) and what have you learned about the drawing skills & techniques that you explored and practiced. All the quizzes and questions are created by Google Forms, so I can see learners’ submissions and reply to them in time. I will give praise and affirmation to the learners who answered the questions correctly and submitted good drawings. I will give encouragement and appropriate suggestions to learners who have a misunderstanding of knowledge and drawings. I believe that the adjustment and change of my current plan can help learners reduce these barriers.